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One Mangrove One life

ActionAid Cambodia to conclude 100,000 Mangrove Campaign

One Mangrove One Life


The 100,000 Mangrove Campaign aimed to mobilize public participation to support the eight CFi's in planting 100,000 mangrove trees, organizing mangrove planting events and other activities for community development. Besides, the campaign also promoted the roles and essence of mangroves, the importance of protecting coastal areas to ensure food security for people and maintaining the balance of the ecosystem and the environment.

“Without our mangroves, we will lose our careers as fishermen, and we will not have any income to support our children’s education. Also, this loss will result in many migrations and child’s dropouts”, said Ouk Neng, a Kampong Samaki media member.

Sim Him, a leader of Trapeang Sangkea CFi, emphasized that “since we started to plant plenty of mangroves, biodiversity has increased dramatically; the number of fishermen also has rose, which leads to a drop in migration.” Mangroves not only play an essential part in community members’ economy, but they are also a natural defence of some disasters. Mangroves significantly contribute to the survival of marine creatures such as crab, fish, and shrimp.

Ouk Sovannarith, a Prek Tnaot CFi leader, highlighted that “100,000 Mangrove Campaign is vital because more people in the community have been aware of the importance of mangroves. Thus, they have come together to protect mangroves and all kinds of biodiversity.”

Despite the end of mangrove campaign, the communities are committed to carry on their mangrove planting even without the support of organizations and their partners. According to Kieu Sat, a Koh Krasna CFi leader, he would continue planting mangroves with his committee and members who have practised in the past. He stressed, “we won’t easily give up our mangroves and resources we have been planting for years. We have to ensure that our resources will all remain the same.”

Hong Reaksmey, ActionAid Ccambodia Country Director, proudly said this campaign has increased 100,000 new mangroves on the coast of Kampot Province. Mangroves attract tourists and promote eco-tourism and green economy in Cambodia. The 100,000 mangroves were planted by people in eight CFi's in Kampot province and supporters. This is a true work of community solidarity. And I am very proud of that. Under the coordination of the Kampot Provincial Fishery Administration and all partner organizations, I really appreciate the leadership and participation of the eight community fisheries, people, students and young people who love the environment.”

He lastly added that “please continue to plant, protect and conserve Cambodia’s mangrove resources!”

Young children in Kampong Samaky Community Fishery happily joined the mangrove planting.

Further information about the 100, 000 Mangrove, please visit: