The Safety Audit Toolkit (SAT) is designed to help ActionAid International and ActionAid country offices to carry out pilot safety audits in five pilot countries: Nepal, Cambodia, Liberia, Ethiopia and Brazil. The experience of using the Safety Audit Toolkit will be evaluated and refined for rolling out to ActionAid country offices globally.
The Safety Audit Toolkit (SAT) is laid out in two sections.
l Section A provides guidance on the safety audit process, taking users through guiding principles and the four stages:
1. Planning and design;
2. Implementation;
3. Analysis and report writing; and
4. Monitoring and Evaluation
l Section B provides a selection of tools that can be used in carrying out the safety audit. The tools are drawn from experience elsewhere and adapted for the Safe Cities Initiative. The tools provided can be further adapted to match local needs and conditions.
Throughout the Safety Audit Toolkit we have referred to the broad range of violence that women and girls experience in urban public spaces as „sexual violence and ‘harassment’. This is intended to cover everything from verbal abuse (e.g. teasing) to physical and sexual violence (e.g. groping, rape, murder).
We included “harassment” as this seemed to be the term best understood by staff from ActionAid country offices and partner organisations to cover verbal abuse and other less physical acts of violence against women and girls. Also whilst some organisations refer to the safety walk as the “safety audit”, we have separated out the two so that the safety audit refers to the whole audit and the safety walk is just one of its components.